Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trekking About: Chincoteague, VA

To celebrate of the beginning of summer, my mother took me on a road trip to Chincoteague Island, VA. Although the weather was not super cooperative (which actually enabled copious viewing of say yes to the dress and what not to wear), I did manage to capture some of the gorgeous scenery to share with y'all. Yes, I just said that. The South is clearly having an impact on me.
What I could not capture was the super hardcore southern hospitality (it's real!). As a born and raised Seattlite, i found it disconcerting, although not altogether unpleasant. I just honestly don't understand how people can be so nice all the time... maybe it's all the butter they eat? Everything did taste a little better down there...



They have sand, surf, and sun...

And kites.

Clearly, I had to soak it all up.

They also have lovely woodland wilderness (so many deciduous trees!)... with wild ponies!

And turtles!

And butterflies!

And baby ponies :)


And to top it all off, I discovered my dream job - 

Who wouldn't want to be the pony chairman?

All in all, very pretty and so relaxing... right now I'm just trying to cling to the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves, and the sight of billions of stars.