Monday, November 26, 2012

Being Festive, Vol. 1 of ?

Today just a few things to help you get in the mood... for the holidays! Woo! Before you even ask, I'm well aware that it is November 26th. But if New York is doing Christmas now, I'm doing Christmas now.

Below, a few pictures from my obligatory tree lighting trek - Lincoln Square is a lot more approachable than Rockefeller Center, and the music is better (although... Suzanne Vega, interesting choice for a giant Christmas festival?). I got to see everything from an all-woman Afro-Brazilian drum corps to up-and-coming jazz artist Marcus Strickland (in a museum gallery no less!).

And to make you even more excited for the holiday season, I've made a playlist with all my favorite enthusiastic (occasionally terrifyingly so!) Christmas songs. I saved the best for last - if Mariah doesn't get you in the spirit, you need to check yourself and then immediately watch Love Actually. It's a cliche because it's great!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Little Light Reading

Here are a few articles I read and liked this morning:

The inevitable New Yorker analysis of Ryan Murphy. Not sure I agree on all points, but certainly a well-argued defense of his work.

A critique of Sherman Alexie's latest book as overly simplistic, and lacking real substance about the reality of life as a Native American. I would rebut by saying almost all famous comedians are self-loathing and repetitive - I mean I love him to death, but almost every point made in this essay could also apply to Woody Allen...

The Making of the Chronic. No explanation necessary.

Not an Onion story! The rice illustration is a little much... but the story is interesting! Puts a whole new spin on believing in your country...

Meta film critique - I can't not share.

Lots of interesting pieces about women in the arts - an electronic music story from the Times, and a list of women in contemporary culture that will inevitably make you happy.

Finally - this may as well be Friday Night Lights.