Tuesday, August 7, 2012

No Static: Hindi Zahra

I was actually introduced to Hindi Zahra by Robert Glasper, an artist previously featured in this series (there's two posts, so it's a series now! :) ). He recorded a song with her for the French release of his album Black Radio (I think they connected because they are both Blue Note artists) - listen below:

Not having purchased the French release of the album (or any release... #poverty - thanks Spotify!), I only heard the song for the first time when I saw him in concert in Paris, where he and Hindi performed this song. She was amazing - powerful, sultry, and unique, without so many of the contrivances found in contemporary "jazz" (or whatever) vocalists. She pretty much instantaneously became my new girl crush (see all photos of her and this write up for proof that her style is as awesome as her music).

 A little more research led me to her debut album: 

...which is just lovely. Her sound isn't necessarily the most innovative, but that doesn't diminish the strength of her musicality and her immense talent. I love the mix of languages in her songs as well - somehow it sounds so natural.

This is probably her most well known song - apparently it was in a Western Union ad? :

And here's a really cool remix (and video!):

And proof she can do standards too:

Go forth and listen, and let me know if you think I can pull off her hair/style - i'm not above direct copying, but I'm just not sure I'm cool enough to work it like she does :)